Living in Liminal Space:
A Conversation Seeking Wisdom on the Way
Second and Fourth Thursdays at 10:00 am (CT) via Zoom
The Zoom link for each session can be found on the appropriate day on the Synod Calendar
Susan Beaumont, consultant for churches and author of “How to Lead when You don’t Know Where You are Going” says, “Liminal space is the space between things. Between periods of industry, productivity and growth lay fallow spaces; spaces where untapped potential is lying in wait. In liminal seasons there is a body of work to be done…”
Richard Rohr, Franciscan priest and founder of the Center for Contemplation and Actions says, “Liminality is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where people can begin to think and act in genuinely new ways. It is when we are betwixt and between, have left one room but not yet entered the next room, any hiatus between stages of life, stages of faith, jobs, loves, or relationships. It is that graced time when we are not certain or in control, when something genuinely new can happen. We are empty, receptive, an erased tablet waiting for new words. Nothing fresh or creative will normally happen when we are inside our self-constructed comfort zones, only more of the same. Nothing original emerges from business as usual.”
Liminal spaces are times of transformation – which usually are not short periods of time. They are like cocoons in which a caterpillar emerges as a butterfly. The transition does not happen overnight. These times are evolving days, maybe years between what was and what will be. They are thresholds where we leave one place or way of being and cross over into a new place or way of being.

We are living in a post-Pandemic reality- a lot has changed over the past 2.5 years and it is still evolving. The church is in a liminal space- we are now living in a post-Christian world for the most part. What worked in the past to engage people to live as followers of Jesus is not as effective. Our world is in a liminal space- we are seeing the tensions between the all-embracing and expansive love of God and traditions of
years gone by.
To help us transverse this new terrain on which we live and walk as the church, The Synod of the Sun will be creating, producing and hosting Living in Liminal Space: A Conversation Seeking Wisdom on the Way on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month at 10:00 am (CT) via Zoom. The conversation will be hosted by Steve Shive, Bridge Synod Leader for the Synod of the Sun. Some of the time there will be conversation around focused questions. Some of the gatherings, there will be an informed presenter followed by Q&A. This may evolve and it may emerge into something else. These conversations are for everyone – disciples and seekers of all ages, roles-ministers, elders, and members from the Synod and beyond. There will probably be few definitive answers and more exploration of unknown lands. The
conversations will promptly end by 11:00 am
Upcoming Conversations
​Thursday, October 26
The conversation this Thursday, October 26, will be with Kathy Lee-Cornell, Director, Synod Partnership for Disaster Recovery. The topic will be The Church's Vocation found in Disaster Resilience. Click HERE to read Kathy's bio.
Thursday, November 9
The conversation will be with Fran Hilton Shelton, founder of Faith & Grief Ministries. The focus of the conversation will be "How is the Diminishing Impact of our Churches and the Death of many Churches Affecting our Presbyteries and Churches Emotionally and Spiritually?" CLICK HERE to visit Fran's website.